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Nathalie FEYT
Director, Chief Information and Product Security
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Over the past 25 years, Jeremy has worked on world-leading transport design projects. Most recently, leading the design of the interior of the world’s first public spaceship for Virgin Galactic and creating the bid winning vision for Alstom-Hitachi’s HS2 high speed trains tender.
Jeremy’s rail design experience spans from rail refurbishment projects to the design of new build high speed trains. His clients have included rolling stock manufactures, rail operators, ROSCO’s and railway suppliers. Most notably, his work for Flytoget, Oslo’s premium airport rail service, delivered new rolling stock, from concept through to production and the creation of a new brand identity system – securing the company’s position as Norway’s favourite customer service brand.
The transport team he leads at Seymourpowell are constantly challenging existing product and service paradigms in the quest to define the future of transportation for road, rail and air.
Prior to EUROCAE, she worked at AIRlabs Austria on a service contract to research and elaborate stakeholder processes and contact points in each federal province in Austria pertaining to regulations for unmanned aircraft systems. She was a quality management intern at Beechcraft Berlin Aviation GmbH, where she developed and established an implementation plan to gain ISO 9001:2015 certification of their quality management system.
She has also worked and freelanced as a content writer, editor, and content manager at several companies in India.
She holds a Bachelor of Technology in Aeronautical Engineering from Hindustan University, India, and a Master of Science in Engineering in Aviation from FH Joanneum, Austria.
Capt. Giancarlo BUONO is the Director Safety and Flight Operations for Europe at the International Air Transport
Association (IATA), based in Brussels, Belgium. In this function he is responsible for the delivery of IATA Safety and Flight Operations Strategy in Europe and for the liaison with European Regulators, the EC and EASA on issues relating to air transport Safety and Flight Operations.
His professional expertise consists of extensive flight operations and quality-safety management experiences. With 30 years of experience in the Air Forces and Airline industry he is currently qualified as a Captain on the Airbus A-320 family.
He holds a Master Science Degree in “Air Transport Management“ from London City University and has been involved in a
number of international Safety and Quality developments programs.
He is qualified as an Accident Investigator and as an IATA and ISO Quality and Safety Auditor. He has received formal
training in Human Factors and Crisis Communication.
Capt. BUONO is visiting professor in Airline Regulatory Compliance at London City University and in Safety Management at
Geneva University. He is a Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society.